kyrie / com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie / Animation / ofPathMorph


@JvmStatic fun ofPathMorph(vararg values: PathData): Animation<PathData, PathData>

Constructs and returns an Animation that animates between PathData values. A single value implies that the value is the one being animated to, in which case the start value will be derived from the property being animated and the target object when the animation is started. Two values imply starting and ending values. More than two values imply a starting value, values to animate through along the way, and an ending value (these values will be distributed evenly across the duration of the animation).


values - A set of values that the animation will animate through over time. The PathData values should all be morphable with each other.

A new Animation.

@JvmStatic @SafeVarargs fun ofPathMorph(vararg values: Keyframe<PathData>): Animation<PathData, PathData>

Same as ofPathMorph except with Keyframes instead of float[] values.


values - A set of Keyframes that the animation will animate through over time.

A new Animation.