com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.Animation |
An Animation encapsulates the information required to animate a single property of a Node. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.CircleNode |
A Node that paints a circle. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.ClipPathNode |
A Node that defines a region to be clipped. Note that a ClipPathNode only clips its sibling Nodes. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.ClipType |
Determines the clipping strategy of a ClipPathNode. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.EllipseNode |
A Node that paints an ellipse. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.FillType |
Fill type determines how a shape should be filled when painted. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.GroupNode | |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.Keyframe |
This class holds a time/value pair for an animation. A Keyframe is used to define the values that the animation target will have over the course of the animation. As the time proceeds from one keyframe to the other, the value of the target will animate between the value at the previous keyframe and the value at the next keyframe. Each keyframe also holds an optional TimeInterpolator object, which defines the time interpolation over the inter-value preceding the keyframe. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.KyrieDrawable |
An animatable drawable based on scalable vector graphics. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.LineNode |
A Node that paints a line. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.Node |
Base class for all Nodes used to construct and animate a KyrieDrawable. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.PathData |
A simple container class that represents an SVG path string. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.PathNode |
A Node that paints a path. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.RectangleNode |
A Node that paints a rectangle. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.RenderNode |
Abstract base Node for all node types that paint to the canvas. |
kotlin.String (extensions in package com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie) | |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.StrokeLineCap |
Stroke line cap determines the shape that should be used at the corners of stroked paths. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.StrokeLineJoin |
Stroke line join determines the shape that should be used at the ends of a stroked sub-path. |
com.github.alexjlockwood.kyrie.TransformNode |
Abstract base Node for all node types that can be transformed. |